It’s not boo-hoo, it’s boo-yah!

There’s so much fear and resignation out there about women aging. Don’t believe it! This is the time when we are coming into our own. We have the skills and experience and voice. We know who we are, and we feel what is right for ourselves, our people, and the world. This is the time for pleasing less and leading more. Apologizing less and arousing more. Hiding less and feeling more. The power is palpable.

At MENOPANTRY we see empowering nutrition as a basis for celebrating the power of the female in mid-life. Every month we partner with an inspiring female creative to explore deep, true reflections and representations of this beautiful life season.



To abide.

The word meno comes from Greek, and it has become a prefix meaning monthly. As women, we have always been connected to the cycles of the moon and the natural world.

Meno has another meaning we like too: to remain, abide. To continue to be present. To be held, kept, continually in reference to time.

Our monthly cycle has always kept us in time with the natural world. As we let go of menstruation, we abide, still, with ourselves, remaining present and kept.

Caring for our bodies and being in community with other women. Yes.